Ilex Insights

Efficiently Growing Your Start-Up with an Outsourced Marketing Team

Written by ilex | 14-Jun-2018 13:15:54

Start-ups often have limited resources but big ambitions. They want to conquer the world but desperately need to get recognised.


At Ilex, we look at the potential of a company’s story and decide how we can efficiently connect it with prospects and partners. The biggest challenge facing most tech and telecoms businesses is how to effectively communicate innovation. They are doing amazing things but don’t know how to make it accessible and compelling to their targets.


Starting from Zero


Tech and telco start-ups with no marketing or PR function rely heavily on cold-calling to sell and often have small sales teams. For one of our start-up clients, we took this challenge and turned it into a highly flexible and efficient way to grow.


We became their outsourced marketing team, handling all aspects of their external communications. From branding to PR, we were able to deliver an entire ecosystem of content that directly supports sales.


Our client wanted to sell to prospects across the globe but with only a few people in its sales team, they were struggling to get out and about to visit each prospect. They needed to create touchpoints that told their story, were compelling and educated prospects before the sales team even picked up the phone.


They didn’t have the resource to hire a marketing team and it turned out they didn’t have to. With a modest budget, they gained a complete team of marketing experts, ready versed in a variety of disciplines and an expert knowledge of B2B tech.


An Outsourced Marketing Team


We started by developing and locking in the brand’s messaging and narrative then delivering it across key channels. When we understood their vision for their business and products, we developed the company’s visual brand. We created brand colours, product sheet templates, product logos and a whole look and feel for the brand to make it instantly recognisable.


The sales team didn’t have any materials to use when selling so we created a set of sales enablement materials including brochures, use cases, and website copy. The team now have ‘leave behinds’ for meetings and a website that clearly communicates their value proposition and story.


Once the sales team was armed with materials, it needed to efficiently reach their targets so we looked at how we could create as many touch-points as possible with maximum efficiency. As part of a content retainer, we populated LinkedIn and Twitter with relevant content and news while developing thought leadership with blogs, bylines and whitepapers.


We’ve created a variety of content to create new touch-points that maintains the brand and communicates our client’s innovations. Press releases are used to communicate momentum and highlight the company’s successes. All of it is consistent, compelling and telling a long-term sustainable brand story.


A company that was doing hundreds of thousands in revenue is now winning deals across the globe and is capturing millions of dollars in revenue, all with a tiny sales team and a lot of support from Ilex.


Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about efficiently growing your start-up with an outsourced marketing team: info {@}