Ilex Insights

How to Use Rich Media to Drive Social Media Engagement

Written by Ilex Community Manager | 11-Apr-2022 09:08:00

Why is social media engagement important? Engagement such as likes, views, shares, and clicks provide you with insight into your audience and what content they see as valuable and informative.


According to Statista, over 3.6 billion people use social media globally, and that number is projected to increase to 4.41 billion by 2025. Social media platforms and trends are continually evolving, so marketers have to pivot their tactics and strategies in order to stay on track and keep producing content that resonates with their audience.


A current example of this would be the Ukrainian crisis, where news outlet The Kyiv Independent has seen a staggering 1.5m new Twitter followers since the Russian invasion began. This demonstrates the power of social media for sharing local news to global audiences.


Both Twitter and LinkedIn are valuable channels for B2B tech and telecoms brands. Rich media helps those brands stand out in crowded spaces and many are embracing it. According to Statista, the most popular video type in global communications in 2020 were product demonstration videos.


Why Choose Rich Media?


1. Raise Brand Awareness, Maximise Reach

Posting rich, exciting and quality content will increase reach for your posts. Making consistent, quality content will build trust and improve your brand perception with your followers and audience. According to HubSpot, 83% of marketers believe the quality of social media posts is more important than the quantity.


2. Positive impact on ROI

Serving your audience with the type of content they want to consume will not only provide your audience with more value, but it will also improve your return on investment on your marketing strategies. According to Yans Media, 71% of B2B marketers use video in their strategies, and 73% of them report a positive impact on return on investment.


3. Grow Click-Through Rates

The higher the click through rate, the more likely that you’ll see conversions.

According to Twitter, tweets with videos are 6 times more likely to be retweeted than tweets with photos, and 3 times more than tweets with GIFs. When you create rich posts that your audience want to interact with, they are more likely to take the desired Call-to-Action (CTA).


4. Multi-Channel Use

You can extend your content’s lifespan by using rich media across multiple social media channels. According to Hootsuite,  36.2% of B2B decision-makers use Instagram to discover and research new products. Find an example of rich media being used on our Instagram here.


5. Increase Engagement

Rich media captures attention far better than the traditional social media image post.The trends set for this year involve the rise of video investment to generate leads. 64% of marketers plan to invest more in short-form video in 2022, according to HubSpot.


Want to find out more ways to raise awareness of your brand and build relationships with potential customers? Read our blog: