MONDAY 22 JAN 2024 4:07 PM


Lucia Barbato, CEO at Ilex Content Strategies, considers how to get the most out of B2B film, and why it is still such a popular - and impactful - mode of communication.

Video has been growing in popularity in recent years as a communications tool for brands. While it has been adopted more easily for B2C players, there is now a clear business case for B2B players to invest in video. For those who are yet to fully embrace the medium, 2024 will be the year they finally take the plunge.

Data from LinkedIn shows that video gets five times more engagement than written posts. The same is true for advertising. When video is used for adverts, users will engage for almost three times as long compared to other types of ads on the platform. Audiences are also much more likely (twenty times) to share video content on LinkedIn over any other type of content. There is therefore a clear business case for investing marketing budget on video when planning campaigns on LinkedIn, but video shouldn’t just be limited to social media.

Video is becoming an increasingly important tool for business decision makers to inform themselves on products and services. It is considered a key resource when undertaking research. It should therefore be viewed as a critical tool for brands to adopt in their marketing funnel. Research by Google has found that 70% of B2B buyers and researchers watch videos throughout their path to purchase. It therefore plays a key part in the lead nurturing journey and shouldn’t just be limited to adverts or awareness campaigns. Done correctly video can support B2B brands to nurture their leads and support them on their purchasing decision journey.

Lastly, with the appetite for video clear, the case for investing in video for internal communications shouldn’t be overlooked. It appears to be the way that consumers of information prefer to receive it. Why shouldn’t it be embraced for internal communications?

So, if you are thinking of boosting your internal communications with video, what needs to be considered? Here are four top tips to maximise the potential of video for your internal communications:

1. Short form video is preferred - Make sure your videos are the appropriate length. While this will vary with the type of content (how-to videos will be longer than others) generally those videos that are around a minute in length are more likely to be watched and shared than those that are longer. The best videos get their key points out quickly and are visually engaging. Remember, most videos online are viewed silently so subtitles or text should be incorporated to enable silent viewing.

2. Experiment with different types of videos – You could potentially benefit from several types of videos. For example, an animation might work to explain your product or talking heads from senior executives might help with education. There is no one-size-fits all for video so experiment with different types to find which work best for you. Variety will also provide your audiences with content that maintains engagement and nurture leads.

3. Use video to extend the reach of your content - Video provides the opportunity to share your content through a different medium. For example, the highlights of a report might be condensed into a short video. Keep video in mind when considering how to achieve more mileage in the content that you have already created. If it can also be shared as a video it can help to maximise the impact of your initial content investment.

4. Make sure your video looks pro - To get the maximum return on investment, make sure that any videos produced look professional, are in keeping with the broader look and feel of the brand, and effectively communicate your brand values to meet objectives. If you don’t have the resources in-house to execute on video at the highest level, it is worth setting aside budget to find an expert to work with you to deliver this. 

So, if you haven’t yet adopted video or used it to its full potential for your internal communications, make sure 2024 is the year that you make the investment. By following these four simple rules you should be well on your way to transforming your outreach and clearly communicating in a form that your team is crying out for. What are you waiting for?