Global B2B TECH & TELECOMS NEWS (03/06/2024 - 07/06/2024)

This week's roundup looked at the top news stories from the Global B2B tech & telecoms industry.

The stories cover Singtel & Telin partnership, Nokia E-Sports tournament, UAE & US AI Deals, UK 4G Coverage, Orange Merger, Instagram Ads, Deutsche Telekom, Nvidia, SpaceX Launch and Microsoft Datacentre Investment. 

Here are our highlights:

Monday _____________________________


Singtel Partners Telin for Singapore to Batam subsea cable

Singtel and Pt Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop a new submarine cable to connect each country. 

Read the full story here:


Nokia to Host First-Ever eSports Tournament over Wi-Fi

Nokia has announced it is working with several eGaming industry leaders to host the first-ever Esports event to using Wi-Fi instead of ethernet-based connectivity. 

Read the full story here:



UAE seeks ‘marriage’ with US over artificial intelligence deals

Gulf state's AI minister says recent investment deal between Microsoft and G42 is part of strategy to reshape its economy.

Read the full story here:


Committee warns UK set to miss 4G coverage target

The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee’s report on the shared Rural Network (SRN) programme reveals critical issues in meeting the UK government’s 95% 4G coverage goal by December 2025. 


Read the full story here:



Orange completes merger of Romanian units

Orange has completed the merger between Orange Romania SA and Orange Romania Communications. This merger allows for the creation of a fully converged telco from June 1, and means Orange will hold 80% of the share capital and voting rights of the consolidated entity. 

Read the full story here:


Instagram tests forcing users to watch adverts

Instagram is trialling a feature called "ad break", which users say they cannot flick past as usual. Images shared online show a timer, which counts down to zero before normal functionality can resume. It remains to be seen if the trial pleases advertisers. 

Read the full story here:



German gov't sells $2.7bn stake in Deutsche Telekom

The German government has sold a €2.5 billion ($2.7bn) stake in Deutsche Telekom AG. Germany has sold the stake through state-owned bank KfW. The funds are set to be reinvested in the country’s state-owned railway network.
Read the full story here:


Nvidia overtakes Apple as No. 2 most valuable company

The artificial intelligence chipmaker's valuation breached the $3 trillion mark and overtook Apple to become the world's second most valuable company.

Read the full story here:


anirudh-PSDEqr7lE7k-unsplashSpaceX successfully launches its Starship megarocket to orbit

SpaceX successfully launched its Starship megarocket on an uncrewed test flight to orbit and back, achieving several key milestones for the first time.

Read the full story here:


Microsoft buys 900+ acres for $77.5m data centre

Microsoft has reportedly bought 929 acres of farmland at St. Joe Farm, Indiana for its latest data centre. The company will build the 245,000-square-foot data centre on 489 acres at the Radius Industrial Park. They plan to invest $1 billion on another data centre in La Porte.

Read the full story here:



Posted on 07th June 2024 in AI, B2B, B2B Content Marketing, Instagram, Subsea Cable, Telecom, 4G, investment, datacentres, Digital Infrastructure, esports, microsoft, UK, SpaceX, Nvidia, Orange, nokia, Mergers, Great Britain, United States, Government, Ads

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