5 Tips for Planning a B2B Campaign

5 Tips for Planning a B2B Campaign

Tech and telecoms companies are taking a tactical approach to their B2B marketing outreach. It often consists of ad-hoc and involves paid-for research reports, surveys and infographics that can't be targeted or measured. The challenge for these companies is finding a way to consistently engage their target audience, while simultaneously coordinating their outreach and measuring the success of the campaign.

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When it comes to planning B2B campaigns, Ilex is here to help. We have proven experience in executing inbound marketing campaigns that have taken our clients’ outreach to new levels. Over the years, we’ve helped our clients launch campaigns across the globe, from Asia to the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. The planning process is crucial to building a successful campaign.


Here are our five tips for planning an effective B2B marketing campaign:


  • Identify Key Goals - When planning a B2B campaign, the first step for any business is to decide what they want to get out of it. Setting both qualitative and quantitative goals ensures all decisions are made with the same objectives in mind, which makes it easier to plan content. If you define your goals during the planning stages of the campaign, it will create a framework for measuring campaign performance in the future.


  • Create Buyer Personas – It is essential to identify your target audience before creating content. The best way to do this is through a buyer persona - a semi-fictional representation of your existing customers based on their demographics, behaviour patterns, challenges, motivations and goals. Defining these personas will make it easier to produce content that's relevant to your target audience’s pain points and highlights solutions to their problems. This will boost engagement with your content and increase your conversion rate.
  • Understand the Buyer Journey – The buyer journey consists of three different stages; awareness, consideration, and decision. Understanding what the customer needs at each of these stages will help you empathise with the customer and create content that addresses their needs. By planning your content around the buyer journey, you create a better chance of finding customers that are the right fit for your product or service.
  • Review your Content – Take a look at your past content. Is it mainly blogs? How were your results over the last year? Reviewing previous content should be a key factor when planning your next campaign. Looking at what did or didn’t work in the past will help to identify what content will engage your audience in the future.
  • Choose a Marketing Platform – Managing, publishing, and tracking content can be difficult if you don't have a management system in place. Choosing a platform that allows you to schedule and automate your content not only frees time and resources, but ensures your campaign is running continuously. On top of this, a good marketing platform will offer analytics into content engagement and can often be integrated into a client relationship management (CRM) system.


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With these five tips, tech and telecoms companies can engage their target audience with a consistent marketing channel that effectively addresses their customers’ needs. If you would like to know more about how to plan a successful B2B campaign, book a consultation with us to find out more.


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Posted on 12th August 2019 in 5 Tips, B2B, Campaign, Planning

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