Ilex Video Services


Video content has emerged as one of the best ways for B2B brands to build trust, communicate innovation, and reach a wider audience. Video content gives the opportunity to engage, educate, and inspire audiences at the same time. 


Understanding the potential of video content for B2B brands 

 To truly grasp the potential of video content for B2B organisations, it’s essential to consider the statistics: 

  • 59% of senior executives prefer to watch videos over reading text (Source: Forbes Insights) 
  • 74% of B2B marketers report that video content outperforms other types of content for generating leads and fostering engagement (Source: Vidyard) 
  • Adding video to email marketing campaigns can increase click-through rates by up to 300% (Source: Campaign Monitor) 
  • Using videos to drive B2B marketing strategy can boost organic traffic by 157% 
    (Source: MonsterInsights) 
  • Including video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by up to 80% 
    (Source: HubSpot) 


Benefits of video content in B2B marketing 

Incorporating video into B2B marketing campaigns offers numerous benefits. It significantly boosts brand awareness, improves lead generation, enhances online engagement, and increases retention and credibility. And most importantly, video content leads to higher conversion rates, making it a powerful tool for driving business growth. 

Data from LinkedIn shows that video receives five times more engagement than written posts. Similarly, video ads hold users' attention nearly three times longer than other types of ads. Audiences are also twenty times more likely to share video content on LinkedIn compared to other content types. 

If you’re looking to enhance your internal communications with video, consider these four top tips to maximise its potential: 

  • Short form video is preferred: Keep videos around a minute to ensure they are watched and shared. 
  • Experiment with different video types: Try different video styles, like animations or executive talks, to see what works best. 
  • Use video to extend the reach of your content: Repurpose existing content into short videos to enhance its impact. 
  • Make sure your video looks Pro: Ensure videos are professionally made to align with your brand and meet objectives. 


Watch our latest showreel here:



Why choose Ilex for your video content needs? 

Ilex’s talented in-house team specialises in crafting compelling, engaging, and effective content to take your marketing strategy to the next level.  

Our video services include: 

  • Corporate Videos                                      
  • Videography 
  • AI Enhancements 
  • Interview Video
  • Animation 
  • Website Video Design 
  • Video Editing 
  • Scriptwriting 


For more insights into the power of video in B2B marketing, read Why 2024 Will Be the Year of Video for B2B by Lucia Barbato, CEO at Ilex Content Strategies. 


To discuss how we can help you boost your marketing strategy with video content, contact us today at: 


Posted on 10th July 2024 in Video, Advertisement, B2B, B2B Content Marketing, Blog Post, Blogs, Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation, Marketing

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