Posts Tagged: communications

Employees are a Potential Weak Link for IoT Security

Employees are a Potential Weak Link for IoT Security

When security breaches make the headlines, they usually concern malicious hackers or cyber criminals targeting critical data. The reality is, human error is a major factor in security and data...

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4 Ways to Build Trust with B2B Content

Trust is critical to any purchasing decision, from buying a new mobile phone to making multimillion-dollar infrastructure investments. To be willing to spend money, you have to believe in the...

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Marketing the Transformation of Carrier Business

Marketing the Transformation of Carrier Business

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Marketing The Cloud: Helping Your Customers Sell Your Cloud Services

Marketing The Cloud: Helping Your Customers Sell Your Cloud Services

Selling cloud services through partners means looking at every aspect of cloud enablement. If you are delivering SaaS, UCaaS, PaaS or any other ‘as a service’ model, you need to support your channel...

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2016: A Year of Real Change for Carriers, Service Providers and Their Enterprise Customers

2016: A Year of Real Change for Carriers, Service Providers and Their Enterprise Customers

The telecoms sector is changing beyond recognition. Indications of that change were everywhere during 2014 and 2015, and in 2016 they can be expected to bite harder and deeper, affecting all levels...

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PTC 2016: Reimagining Telecoms

The next annual PTC conference, which runs from 17 to 20 of January in Hawaii, is unmissable for any stakeholder in the communications ecosystem who wants to truly understand how our industry is...

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B2B Content Marketing: Generic Comment is Not Great Content

B2B Content Marketing: Generic Comment is Not Great Content

Content marketing that targets consumers might capture the largest audiences but content for B2B businesses is where it will get the biggest returns.

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Simple Execution

Simple Execution

At the beginning of January, I read The Game by Ken Dryden. A legend in Canada for being a great hockey goalie but over time has become more intriguing as a man that thinks deeply about his place in...

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Corporate Magazines: Tesco Proves Offline is Not Dead

Corporate magazines are still one of those most effective ways for brands to effectively tell their story and capture an audience. The digital marketing revolution has overshadowed some of the basics...

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The B2B Content Checklist

Our B2B clients biggest concern when creating content is that what they produce will not grab their audience’s attention. When content is created for content’s sake or to simply demonstrate activity...

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