Ilex Insights

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Ilex Joins 240+ IT Companies and Telecom Operators at Asian Carriers Conference 2015

We are very excited to be attending the Asian Carriers Conference at Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort & Spa in Cebu, Philippines on September 1st-4th 2015.

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Marketing a Streaming Service: The Difference Between Dre & Jay

Marketing a Streaming Service: The Difference Between Dre & Jay

We’ve been listening to the new Dr Dre album today in the Ilex offices and we noticed the difference between how Dr Dre and Jay Z marketed their streaming services.

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What’s The ‘Real’ ROI for Technology Brands Excelling in Content?

What’s The ‘Real’ ROI for Technology Brands Excelling in Content?

The real ROI for tech content is much greater than most people recognise. Content enables businesses to access the most effective way to target and engage audiences globally.

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5 Tips for Making Your Tech Content More Accessible

5 Tips for Making Your Tech Content More Accessible

Technology detail can be complex but marketing content for technology brands has to be simple.

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Does Your Tech Content Pass The ‘Would I Read This’ Test?

Does Your Tech Content Pass The ‘Would I Read This’ Test?

One of the biggest challenges brands face is creating content that actually matters to their audience. This is particularly true for technology companies. For them, successful content takes topics...

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Why Technology Companies Have an Advantage in Content

Why Technology Companies Have an Advantage in Content

In 2012 branded content grew beyond well-produced video and into full-scale publishing businesses. Coca-Cola’s ‘Journey’ was launched, Jay-Z’s ‘Life+Times’ came into its own and Facebook Stories all...

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Mcdonalds Canada

The Boring Truth About Chicken McNuggets

Macdonald’s Canada has produced a video explaining exactly how Chicken McNuggets are made. As a piece of entertainment it is simple, informative and to the point. It is pretty well a “Mr Rogers...

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B2B Content Marketing: Generic Comment is Not Great Content

B2B Content Marketing: Generic Comment is Not Great Content

Content marketing that targets consumers might capture the largest audiences but content for B2B businesses is where it will get the biggest returns.

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Show Not Tell: Making Mobile Money Real for Audiences

Show Not Tell: Making Mobile Money Real for Audiences

The challenge for driving adoption new technologies is simplifying the message. From eCommerce to undersea cables, the challenge for tech companies is explaining the benefits of what they do in 26...

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Simple Execution

Simple Execution

At the beginning of January, I read The Game by Ken Dryden. A legend in Canada for being a great hockey goalie but over time has become more intriguing as a man that thinks deeply about his place in...

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