Ilex Insights

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Corporate Magazines: Tesco Proves Offline is Not Dead

Corporate magazines are still one of those most effective ways for brands to effectively tell their story and capture an audience. The digital marketing revolution has overshadowed some of the basics...

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B2B Agency Report Card – What We Are Hearing

B2B Agency Report Card – What We Are Hearing

Many of our clients come to us after being disappointed by traditional or conventional PR and marketing agencies. They ask us to either fix the damage done or get quick results to get them back on...

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The Unexpected Benefits of Training

The Unexpected Benefits of Training

Ilex has embarked on a series of seven training sessions across the UK focused on writing for the web. As we hold these sessions, we are seeing how training can not only give organisations tips and...

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Influencer Opportunities and The Tipping Point

Influencer Opportunities and The Tipping Point

It has been 12 years since Malcom Gladwell’s The Tipping Point was released and subsequently hit the New York Times Best Seller List. Gladwell explored the anatomy of influence breaking down how...

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Digital Magazines: Content that Works Hard for a Brand

Digital Magazines: Content that Works Hard for a Brand

While journalists may not be in demand, the skills of a journalist are becoming invaluable. Magazine content is a familiar way to tell a story, engage an audience and ultimately influence them. Those...

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Messaging: Who Are You And Where Are You Going?

Messaging: Who Are You And Where Are You Going?

The most common question we get from technology clients is how to simplify their messaging. Each client will have different needs but at the core of it they want to explain who they are and where...

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The B2B Content Checklist

Our B2B clients biggest concern when creating content is that what they produce will not grab their audience’s attention. When content is created for content’s sake or to simply demonstrate activity...

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Making Marketing Work for Sales Teams

Making Marketing Work for Sales Teams

In the economic climate the key thing for any business is its bottom line. Sales become increasingly important when there is less money to go around. As well as a great product you also need a crack...

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